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Blood ran cold while reading about cat's fate

Editor: Re: Beach Grove family issues warning to neighbours after its beloved cat is found drowned, letter to the editor, April 19 My blood ran cold when I read the letter describing the horrific incident of a deliberate drowning of a family cat in B


Re: Beach Grove family issues warning to neighbours after its beloved cat is found drowned, letter to the editor, April 19

My blood ran cold when I read the letter describing the horrific incident of a deliberate drowning of a family cat in Beach Grove.

To think there is a person out there that could actually commit such a cruel and sadistic act, not only to the cat, but to the family who loved the cat as well, floods me with an overwhelming sadness.

And to further aggravate the whole situation, by leaving the cat's soaking wet body on the road near his home for his family to find is absolutely the work of someone with no sense of empathy or remorse. I believe that is the very definition of a psychopath.

My deepest sympathies go to the family of JC; please take heart that you are not alone in your grief or your outrage. Thank you for sharing your story to help protect others from the fate of this monster.

Martha Farnalls