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Candidate who doesn't live here doesn't get it

Editor: You have to live here to understand. The "new crossing" the Liberals plan is not from Highway 99 across to Richmond and on into Vancouver, but from the South Fraser Perimeter Road across to East Richmond and Highway 91.


You have to live here to understand.

The "new crossing" the Liberals plan is not from Highway 99 across to Richmond and on into Vancouver, but from the South Fraser Perimeter Road across to East Richmond and Highway 91.

Do the people of Ladner and Tsawwassen want that? I don't think so. But you have to live here to know that.

Does the possible positive economic outcome of an expanded container port and coal port outweigh the increased air, light and sound pollution, the decimation of agricultural lands and wildlife habitat, and the human quality of life in Tsawwassen and Ladner? No. But you have to live here to know that.

Bruce McDonald, the candidate from North Delta who wants to be South Delta's MLA, has, in his capacity as a Delta councillor, championed a Tsawwassen Area Plan and a plan for the Ladner Harbour area that the residents of Tsawwassen and Ladner turned thumbs down on. Because he doesn't live here. And he doesn't understand.

Vicki Huntington does. She lives here. She understands. She deserves our votes.

Joan Green