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Community Comment: Feeling the pinch

Please consider helping the very many that are in need right here in our own community this season
Christmas time, despite its’ implied message of peace and goodwill toward men, is a stressful time for many reasons. Depending on your socio-economic status, the stresses can be felt in different ways.

With only 10 more sleeps until the arrival of the big guy, most people are methodically preparing, or not, for the big day. If you are like me, you have a reasonable handle on these preparations, but realize that there will be upcoming chaos in the days ahead.

Christmas time, despite its’ implied message of peace and goodwill toward men, is a stressful time for many reasons. Depending on your socio-economic status, the stresses can be felt in different ways.

Although Canada is for the most part a food-secure nation, there are many within our communities that have difficulty in providing food for their families. Statistics Canada notes that, in 2022, 18 per cent of Canadian families reported experiencing food insecurity in the past 12 months, up from 16 per cent in 2021.

A few days ago, Canada’s Food Price Report noted that the cost of food will continue to rise in 2024 although at a lesser rate than the past couple of years. The use of food banks by Canadians is at an all-time high and at this time of year they are at a critical crossroads in attempting to provide food and comfort for families in need and that are “feeling the pinch.”

If you are in the minority and are uber wealthy, you probably are immune to any sense of what a “pinch” might be. If you are wealthy and lucky enough to coast through life without much financial stress you may feel some of the pinch such as was recently overheard from two ladies at a Thrifty Foods checkout the other day - “we are feeling the pinch and will only be able to stay in Maui for two weeks this season.”

Every social class has its degree of ‘pinchedness’ and makes best effort to adjust appropriately during the holidays.

For people that must make a monthly choice between paying for food or shelter, feeling the pinch can be a traumatically debilitating experience. Please consider helping the very many that are in need right here in our own community this season. Merry Christmas!

Mike Schneider is founder of Project Pickle and likes to write about growing, cooking and eating food. He is a Jamie Oliver Food Revolution ambassador.