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Community Comment: Local government needs to get its house in order

No one likes to get kicked in the sandbox, so play fair, dust yourself off and get on with it.
The councillors questioned the mayor’s leadership over the past year. Delta Optimist file

Delta council has been in the ‘news’ lately and not for a good reason.

At the May 6 council meeting, four councillors passed a motion to limit Mayor George Harvie’s activities unless there is council approval. They also voted to remove him as Delta’s representative at Metro Vancouver, which since he is the current chair, removes him from that position as well.

From the detailed reporting in the Optimist, these four councillors, whether justified or not, felt that communication with the mayors’ office had gotten to the point that they needed to take drastic action to continue city work in a transparent way.

Municipal politics is a breed of its own. It’s often personal and can get nasty when issues around power and control are threatened.

Mayor and council have the ability to shape the most intimate aspects of our daily lives, from how our and recreation centres are run to when our garbage is picked up.

They are extremely important players who we rely on to make educated and informed decisions with our tax dollars.

We have some crucial governance issues on the table right know in Delta. Top of the list is meeting the demands of the provincial government housing quotas, policing Delta Port, a new tunnel, and seeking a second exit out of Ladner, and a health care crisis just to name a few.

The next municipal election is October 2026. That’s a long time from now.

I am asking that our mayor and council work together to fulfill their promises to us. To govern honestly and transparently with the residents of Delta best interests foremost in their decision making.

No one likes to get kicked in the sandbox, so play fair, dust yourself off and get on with it.

Ingrid Abbott is a freelance writer who admires anyone willing to run for political life.