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Community Comment: Slow down, your life depends upon it

Please, for the love of your family and friends be patient, slow down and don’t text and drive.
West Vancouver police impounded three drivers’ vehicles after they were caught speeding on the Upper Levels highway, July 17 2024 / West Vancouver Police Department

While summer may feel like it’s speeding by it doesn’t compare to what’s happening on the roads. I’m here to say that it’s madness out there!

I drive a lot, so I feel qualified to comment on the crazy driving I witness every time I get behind the wheel.

Let’s start with speed. If you’re not going well over 100 in the fast lane, watch out because you’ll be tailgated until you move over. Aggressive fast driving is the new norm.

I’ve had irate drivers honking at me because I didn’t turn left on a yellow light that was about to turn red. Maybe that’s because I don’t want to be smoked by a transport truck.

Look out for the Tesla’s…. can you say acceleration…they are scary fast. Makes me wonder if the drivers are in control or if Elon Musk is.

Distracted driving… everyone is texting in their moving cars. I saw a senior too old to be driving let alone texting while driving.

A recent scary observation was someone vaping, texting and driving at the same time, an accident waiting to happen.

Try merging onto a bridge or into the tunnel… it’s a shock when someone has the manners to let you in. Also please use your indicator. We are not mind readers.

Road rage is to be avoided as my husband found out. He changed lanes in front of someone on Knight Street in Vancouver and the driver became so aggressive that he changed his route to work and finally ditched him.

Delta police have been posting updates on social media about speeders and begging us to slow down. No wonder, as the risk of deadly car crashes spikes annually from July to September with 19 people dying in one-week last month.

Please, for the love of your family and friends be patient, slow down and don’t text and drive.

Ingrid Abbott is a freelance writer who keeps her foot on the brakes