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Community Comment: The volunteer gap is widening

Every contribution, no matter how small, will help to close the volunteer gap and strengthen the fabric of our community
Delta Coun. Jennifer Johal and former Delta school board trustee Laura Dixon present the 2022 Citizen of the Year to Bruce McDonald.

The spirit of our community shines brightly through the dedication of countless volunteers. When we take our families to see the Christmas lights at Diefenbaker Park, attend May Days, enroll in sports activities, attend a nonprofit fundraiser or rely on services like Search and Rescue or Meals on Wheels, we see that volunteers are the heartbeat of our vibrant community. However, a troubling trend is emerging: the demand for volunteers is increasing, while the number of available volunteers is dwindling.

Despite persistent recruiting efforts, many services and events are struggling, and long-term volunteers are worried that there is no one following in their footsteps. Volunteerism saw a sharp decline during the pandemic but was already on a downward trajectory as the population who volunteer mirrors our aging demographics.

To safeguard our cherished community services, we need to find ways to encourage new volunteers. The challenges of modern life - long commutes, demanding work schedules, and busy family lives can make volunteering seem difficult. Yet, the benefits of volunteering are substantial, offering not only skill development and networking opportunities but also a deep sense of connection and pride in one’s community.

Innovative approaches can bridge the volunteer gap. By offering more flexible volunteering options, such as one-time events, short tasks, virtual roles, and skill-based opportunities, organizations can make it easier for individuals to contribute. Developing corporate partnerships for volunteer days and creating family-friendly volunteering experiences can also engage more people. Once individuals experience the positive impact of volunteering, they may be inspired to take on more significant roles.

If you’ve ever thought about volunteering or if you’re looking for a way to give back, now is the time to get involved. Explore flexible volunteering opportunities, bring your skills to a cause you care about, or join with family and friends for a shared experience. Every contribution, no matter how small, will help to close the volunteer gap and strengthen the fabric of our community.