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Don't stand in way of the will of the people

Editor: Regarding the recently-published debate between the legal ability of Delta to enact legislation to mitigate nuisance farm practices and the threat of legal action by the land owner, I can only say this is another red herring thrown out to sca


Regarding the recently-published debate between the legal ability of Delta to enact legislation to mitigate nuisance farm practices and the threat of legal action by the land owner, I can only say this is another red herring thrown out to scare the masses, or shows a complete lack of understanding.

Every will that is written can be legally challenged in court. Is this fact a reason to not write a will? Of course not.

We write a will in the hope that all our wishes are respected and followed. Of course there is always the possibility that a rouge family member could challenge the will in court, causing much anguish and expense to the rest of the family.

The same applies to our governance. Delta council is mandated to act in the best interest of its population and can enact bylaws in an attempt to protect them. Any of these bylaws can be challenged in court by those who feel their ideals are more important than those of the majority.

Ignoring the better judgment of the masses in favour of a possible threat from a developer is bad governance and condones bullying. It is as ridiculous an argument as refusing to write a will because cousin Jerk Bully might contest it in court.

Paul Biedermann