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Editorial: Celebrating volunteerism

This week, celebrate our volunteers and celebrate our community. Delta is a special place because of all of you.
It's National Volunteer Week this week in Canada.

This week is a time where we can really put a spotlight on community volunteers.

National Volunteer Week is April 14 to 20 a time to pay special tribute to the many volunteers who make Delta, and communities around the country unique and special.

This year’s theme is Every Moment Matters.

That got me thinking about moments that matter to so many families here in Delta.

A few weeks ago, many of us celebrated Easter with special events at Diefenbaker Park in Tsawwassen hosted by the Tsawwassen Rotarians and the annual parade and egg hunt here in Ladner, hosted and supported by the Ladner Business Association.

Both events were organized and run by volunteers – many who also wear the hat of business owners and entrepreneurs in our community.

Both events were very well-attended and I’m sure families will have lasting memories and wonderful ‘moments’ thanks to the volunteers.

In every community that I haver worked in the past 29 years in journalism – Merritt, Squamish, the Sunshine Coast and throughout the Lower Mainland – I have come across and told the stories of hundreds of volunteers and the organizations that they proudly represent.

There is not enough space in this column to recognize how special and impactful these volunteers have in those communities. They are the ones host the events and activities that make our communities what they are. They help shape our identity.

This week I want you to ask yourself what Delta would look like without its volunteers?

We likely wouldn’t have Delta Hospital without the power of its volunteers.

There would be no Kirkland House, Earthwise Garden, Eldercollege, Rotary and Lions Clubs, or any of the festivals, events, and programs that we all attend and enjoy throughout the year.

Bottom line: our community would be boring without volunteers.

So, this week, celebrate our volunteers and celebrate our community. Delta is a special place because of all of you.