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Give opponents time to respond

Editor: In the last days of the 2009 election, a large ad appeared that slurred Vicki Huntington and her campaign, insinuating all sorts of bad behaviour.


In the last days of the 2009 election, a large ad appeared that slurred Vicki Huntington and her campaign, insinuating all sorts of bad behaviour. The ad was said to be sponsored by a local business and it promoted the Liberal candidate of the day. No candidate could have rebutted the ad in time for the election.

I have heard this political tactic was used as early as the 19th century. It was called a roarback or rohrback and it was considered villainous or illegal, or both.

A nasty tinge to a campaign is one thing. Nastiness timed to evade rebuttal is another, and vile. I heartily hope nobody will resort to it again this election.

Gail Neff Bell