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Letters: A clear vision for Winskill Park

The design presented was thoughtful, well researched and included a clear vision for Winskill that balances the preservation of natural areas with sport and other leisure activities
Staff note a fourth baseball diamond can be accommodated within an overall park pinwheel design. City of Delta report.

The following letter was sent to Delta council with a copy to the Optimist

The Tsawwassen Amateur Baseball Association (TABA) and Tsawwassen Mixed Slo-Pitch Association (TMSP) wish to extend their gratitude to city staff for all their efforts with the site plan design for the Winskill Renewal Project.

Acknowledging the requirements of diverse, and occasionally conflicting interests while still incorporating the facilities required to support a growing community was a difficult task. The design presented was thoughtful, well researched and included a clear vision for Winskill that balances the preservation of natural areas with sport and other leisure activities.

We would also like to thank council for taking the time to fully understand and carefully consider the needs of our community. By voting to approve, you have shown you understand the importance that improvements to recreational facilities keep pace with population growth.

TABA and TMSP also recognize that developing this plan required compromise.

We applaud the city’s commitments to maintaining a treed buffer adjacent to the diamonds, to the reforestation project and to a new home for the disc golf course.

With respect to the latter, we strongly support the disc golf community in Tsawwassen and stand with them in their desire to have a new location identified and constructed as soon as possible. Our organizations therefore vow to assist disc golf representatives in holding the city to account on their promise to rapidly identify and build-out a new course site.

Thank you again to all the city staff, consultants and user group volunteers for their countless hours in helping shape the future of Winskill Park. We are grateful for your efforts and remain committed to assisting as needed throughout the final planning and construction phases.

Lucas Nerreter/President/TABA

Steve Timuss/Director at large/TMSP