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Letters: Government drops the ball again

It’s the same lack of action every year with a thousand excuses each time
It wasn't as bad on Lower Mainland roads on Jan. 11 as it was a couple of years ago. Still this letter writer is fed up with the lack of action from provincial highways.


I hope all got safely where you needed to be when this extreme weather settled upon us Jan. 11.

I would like to know, the same question I have every winter all over again…why when there was ample notice of this Arctic Front, Polar Vortex descending upon us, were the roads, highways, major routes throughout the Lower Mainland not treated and retreated as much as necessary so that all can get home safe and sound in a timely manner?

It’s the same lack of action every year with a thousand excuses each time. Anybody? I know of someone who’s 15-minute commute via car took four hours. It is beyond outrageous.

Discussions will be had. Excuses will be made. The public will receive the same pathetic promises of doing better next time…and repeat.

Shouldn’t our exorbitant taxes cover the cost to manage this properly for crying out loud. This is the publics safety at risk.

What about First Responders being able to get to emergencies. They all travel the same routes as the rest of us. God help everyone.

Laura Campbell