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Letters: Hotel concept deserves a fighting chance

At the end of the day, we all know that this initiative is somewhat ‘contentious’ within our ranks - but really folks…is ‘status quo’ the best possible outcome here?
A consultant concluded that a six-storey, 88-unit accommodation with more than 18,000-square feet of commercial space would be viable for the market. Sandor Gyarmati photo


It was encouraging to learn that council was able to move ahead last week with Expression of Interest (EOI) issuance inviting project proponents to bring forward their formal proposals.

Yes, this is indeed an exciting next step towards the long-awaited revitalization of our beloved Ladner Village and waterfront.

The ‘optics’ here from the perspective of potential development industry ‘players’ are very likely to see this project ‘running aground at the getgo’!

The 4-3 vote in council was as narrow as it comes. Yes, of course, I get that every elected member has every right (and responsibility) to exercise their best judgement in these matters of governance; however, would it not make more sense to curtail ‘post vote’ comments in the interest of the best possible outcome for the entire community?

At the end of the day, we all know that this initiative is somewhat ‘contentious’ within our ranks - but really folks…is ‘status quo’ the best possible outcome here?

Tony Dales