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Letters: Proposed tax increase is unacceptable

What I’m suggesting is holding taxes steady instead of increasing the rate
city of delta tax dollars
Another resident who is not happy with the City of Delta's proposed tax increase.


I agree with you that the city needs to reassess the proposed 7.75 percent property tax (Optimist, Nov. 30).

This is unacceptable given inflation, the carbon tax, rising costs of shelter, fuel and food all in the face of a budget surplus.

Considering all of the above, why would the city propose a higher tax rate? Either they are out of touch, or just don’t care about the citizens. Honestly, I believe it’s the latter.

In addition, the community centre just raised it rates for a 20-unit day pass, so we’re already paying more for those services. Kind of smells like double dipping.

I’m not suggesting that the city not collect property taxes. What I’m suggesting is holding taxes steady instead of increasing the rate. The flat rate utility tax has increased by five percent since 2005. Ours has gone from $500 then to $1,200 now, it’s increasing exponentially and in a couple of years will be $2,000.

Maybe the city should retract the 10 percent pay raise they granted themselves.

R. Smith