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Letters: This is a preventative problem

Large fines and license restrictions do little to curb the ongoing opportunity for people to make mistakes carless or otherwise.
delta massey tunnel interior new
The George Massey Tunnel.


A letter writer in the Jan. 18th edition of the Optimist, suggested that horizontal beams be placed over bridge approaches. Wow is this rocket science or what?

Finally, a wise, low-cost solution to an expensive problem.

Why not include the idea of electronic beams with warning lights or sirens electrified by solar panels at roadside?

How does one bring an intelligent potential solution to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure?

Large fines and license restrictions do little to curb the ongoing opportunity for people to make mistakes careless or otherwise. This is a preventative problem. Presently we the taxpayer pay for bridge repair, costly traffic disruption and unemployment costs as well.

Dave Hobson