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Letters: Time to get the River Road overpass approved

All governments benefit from a funding agreement on completion of the overpass
george massey tunnel entrance
The George Massey Tunnel.


As reported in the Optimist Aug. 15, the River Road overpass at the new tunnel remains unresolved due to a lack of funding.

I find this discouraging.

The federal, provincial and municipal governments must get to work to address the funding shortfall.

The federal government upgrades a major transportation corridor linking Canada to the U.S. and to Port facilities, especially in the movement of goods and services. The overpass distributes traffic loads and reduces congestion.

The provincial government benefits from the overpass with an important piece of new infrastructure to support mandated growth strategies. It also provides another access into Ladner to address risk management responsibilities.

The City of Delta enhances the accessibility and public safety needs of its residents, visitors and businesses.

All governments benefit from a funding agreement on completion of the overpass.

Time to get it done!

Dave Rudberg