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Letters: We have been lucky to have Carla Qualtrough as our MP

She deserves thanks, not snarky comments
Delta MP Carla Qualtrough. Delta Optimist file


Re: letter regarding tunnel funding (Optimist, Oct. 31)

Delta MP Carla Qualtrough made a very clear statement in the Optimist on several occasions, saying that federal funding will be available when the provincial government gets the project ready to go.

The provincial NDP chose a tunnel rather than a bridge, but now in their second mandate there are still no shovels on the ground.

Regarding the comments about the pension referred to in the letter, the pension is one that all MP’s from every party get when they serve the required number of years and reach the required age.

Our MP has served the people of Delta in Ottawa helping us get many services. She has spent hours on long commutes across the country and has missed a lot of time with her family. We have been lucky to have her. She deserves thanks, not snarky comments.

Mary Begin