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Letters: We will continue to fly our Pride Flag

As often as you try to tear the flag down, we will replace it.


I write this letter to that sad, old man that feels compelled to repeatedly deface and destroy the Pride Flag that we proudly display at our beloved Ladner United Church.

I feel so terribly sorry for you that you are filled with such hate and anger against your fellow human beings, that you feel it necessary to sneak around in the middle of the night, dressed like a ninja so you can’t be identified, and perform such a destructive act against people that have done you no harm.

Sorry that you are so ashamed of yourself that you can’t even show your face, but I can promise you something, we will continue to fly that flag, practice inclusion, and love for all of mankind, even you. As often as you try to tear the flag down, we will replace it. As many times as is necessary, because there is only one of you, and there is a multitude of us that are full of love and inclusion for all of mankind.

Cathy Wilkins