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Letters: Winskill: an ill-conceived plan

The good people of Tsawwassen should say no to this ill-conceived plan
City staff note that with the growing population, the existing facility and amenities are no longer adequate to serve the community. Delta Optimist file


When I first heard Delta council was considering levelling the urban forest in the middle of Tsawwassen to replace the aging Winskill fitness and aquatic centre, expand parking and add a new baseball field, I thought it was a joke.

No one argues that Winskill needs replacing, but to take a chain saw to a beautiful urban forest is ridiculous beyond reason.

As our climate warms, cities around the world are hastily growing canopies not eliminating them. The one I speak of was a much-used sanctuary during the heat dome a few years ago. It’s used by dog walkers and frisbee golfers every day.

We walk by the park routinely and never see the parking lots full. Only during baseball tournaments or swim meets on the odd weekend during the summer does the parking overflow on to nearby streets. Yet council wants to double the parking. It’s madness.

The baseball parks are used four months of the year and otherwise sit empty. And the plan is to possibly add a fourth diamond, thus the need to cut down even more trees.

This is a plan that belongs in 1964 not 2024. It’s embarrassing that Delta council would even consider such a design.

The good people of Tsawwassen should say no to this ill-conceived plan.

Gary Mason