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Letters: You don't know what you have until it's gone

Where else are you going to be informed about what, when, where and sometimes why events are unfolding in our city?


Your published letter to the editor The Optimist builds our city a few weeks back is ‘right on.’

Where else are you going to be informed about what, when, where and sometimes why events are unfolding in our city?

No other medium does a better job of delivering local news in ‘black and white’ to your discerning mind.

I was recently educated by an Optimist article of the ‘why’ behind a very frequently serviced, sometimes parked (& running) #310 transit buses across from my Delta residence.

This particular bus stop is rarely utilized, except at the end of a school day for a handful of students, and the buses are regularly ‘empty seated’ the rest of the time.

I asked myself “Why?” is this so; when other Ladner bus stop services are “so unreliable” (as stated in another Optimist ‘letter’).

With the possibility of ‘deep funding cuts’ coming to TransLink service because of unsustainability, it just didn’t make sense.

The Optimist filled in the blanks. A ‘frequency of public transit’ is one of the prerequisites in my neighbourhood for legal changes in residential zoning bylaws to increase higher density under provincial political mandates. Now I understand.

Brian Britten