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Make political lawn signs a thing of the past

Editor: I often wonder why we can't learn from our mistakes. We see politicians talk about the environment, waste, recycling and how they will make Delta a leader in waste management.


I often wonder why we can't learn from our mistakes.

We see politicians talk about the environment, waste, recycling and how they will make Delta a leader in waste management. Then why is it that I see so many plastic and metal lawn signs strung up and down city property, on front lawns, only to be most likely thrown to waste after the election?

A recent Optimist online poll showed more than 77 per cent of respondents could care less about a lawn sign and that it did not impact their decision on who they are going to vote for.

Then why is it that 99 per cent of politicians feel they have a need for them?

Let's wake up and let candidates speak via the web, social networks, TV and newspapers. Let's do a small part in saving the planet by putting the political lawn sign "out of business" and into the history books.

Klaus Fix