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New citizen has ties to Southlands opposition group

Editor: Re: New citizen exercises right, letter to the editor, Nov.


Re: New citizen exercises right, letter to the editor, Nov. 16

I was initially moved when I read new Canadian citizen Ellexis Boyle's passionate and purportedly unbiased letter expressing her "opinion" defending the Southlands the Facts group over being accused by Delta of not being very factual.

I then became aware that Ellexis Boyle is the spouse of Dana Maslovat, self-appointed leader of Southlands the Facts, which aggressively opposes anything on the Southlands.

The name she uses in her professional career as an independent academic is "Ellexis Boyle Maslovat" but she chose not to use that name for the purposes of her letter.

She is undoubtedly entitled to an opinion, but her close relationship to Southlands the Facts may have provided readers with some valuable insight into deciding how much weight this letter ought to be given.

Douglas Bolen