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New river crossing not top priority for South Deltans

Editor: Liberal candidate Bruce McDonald doesn't live in South Delta and his many years on Delta council have apparently not familiarized him with the priorities held by the residents of South Delta.


Liberal candidate Bruce McDonald doesn't live in South Delta and his many years on Delta council have apparently not familiarized him with the priorities held by the residents of South Delta. He appears to think another Fraser River crossing is the major priority in South Delta.

Wrong. Yes, traffic through the George Massey Tunnel is a problem. No, a second crossing will not solve it for South Deltans.

A second crossing such as the Liberals propose (details not yet available) will not be a twinning of the tunnel, or a crossing along Highway 99 connecting Tsawwassen and Richmond as the tunnel now does. It will be a crossing over the river somewhere to the east of Highway 99, probably connected to the South Fraser Perimeter Road and built for the sole purpose of allowing larger ships to pass down the Fraser to Fraser Surrey Docks without wiping out the tunnel on their way.

What's more important to us? Preserving the farmland. Preserving the remaining (and sadly diminished) wildlife and wildfowl feeding grounds that are our remaining farmland and Southlands acreages.

Keeping rampant residential and commercial growth from destroying the place to which we moved to enjoy a rural environment available nowhere else in the Lower Mainland.

When McDonald has something other than a bureaucratic opinion of what we value, which he doesn't have, then let him decide what it is we want. Meanwhile, run for office in your own community.

We already have an MLA in our community who understands and represents us.

Marnie Huckvale