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Not all agree on the 'Facts'

Editor: A piece of campaign literature that arrived through my mail slot this week has gone straight into the recycling bin. Sponsored by Southlands the Facts, this flyer is full of misrepresentations and fear mongering.


A piece of campaign literature that arrived through my mail slot this week has gone straight into the recycling bin.

Sponsored by Southlands the Facts, this flyer is full of misrepresentations and fear mongering. The implication is that the incumbents on Delta council have already made a "deal" that will result in the rezoning and subsequent construction of thousands of homes on the Southlands.

No such deal has been made and no approvals for rezoning or development will be granted without further public input. This is the legally authorized process to which council is obliged to adhere in all applications for rezoning or development.

Further, there is the implication the developments planned for Tsawwassen and the adjacent areas will increase the population by 70 per cent. This is outlandish. The projected increase of 500 homes in Tsawwassen Springs (under construction) and 950 homes on the Southlands (if approved) would add approximately 3,000 to 3,500 residents, or about 14 to 16 per cent of Tsawwassen's current population. That's a far cry from 70 per cent.

There is also the statement: "There is no plan for seniors and young families." Firstly, no proposal has been submitted so where did this information come from? Secondly, as a former member of the Southlands Community Planning Team, I can say that is exactly the opposite of what was planned during that process.

Then there is the statement that "tens of thousands of huge dump trucks will roar up and down 56th Street." Do the Southlands the Facts group really think people in Tsawwassen are so naive as to believe this rubbish? Tsawwassen has seen a number of new developments in recent years, and I do not recall thousands of dump trucks roaring up and down 56th Street.

I could go on and on, but frankly I am sick of hearing from this group that has nothing positive to contribute. Our community needs a moderate level of well-planned growth to sustain our schools, our local merchants, our recreation and other services. And the bonus with the current possibility for the Southlands is the activation of urban friendly agriculture on 80 per cent of that land.

Shame on the candidates who allowed this group to endorse their candidacy.

Casting aspersions on the current incumbents, a number of whom will likely be re-elected, will only serve to start off a new council under a cloud of mistrust and ill feeling.

Helen L. Kettle