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Queen for a night proved a blast

Editor: The day couldn't have been better for the Tsawwassen Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebration organized by the Tsawwassen Business Improvement Association (BIA) on Aug. 11 at Diefenbaker Park.


The day couldn't have been better for the Tsawwassen Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebration organized by the Tsawwassen Business Improvement Association (BIA) on Aug. 11 at Diefenbaker Park.

As the honourary Queen of the event, I received the royal treatment thanks to a wonderful team made up of the BIA, local businesses and enthusiastic citizens stepping up to help with hair and makeup, costume and jewelry, photography, a personal driver in a vintage car, and even my own Scots Guard to watch over my every need.

Sitting on the throne and having children, family, friends, neighbours and even our MP coming to sit beside me and having photographs taken gave me moment-by-moment pleasures.

One memorable little boy recognized that Santa usually uses my throne during our Tsawwassen Christmas season; he asked me if I had any toys for him. I suggested that if he went to the booth where the Celebration Cake was to be cut and presented, he could tell them the Queen said he could have a little cupcake if he said "please."

Being presented with a beautiful bouquet, plus many little posies given by individual children were delightful events.

Walking and mingling with appreciative, friendly folk, whom I'd never met before, made me recognize just how fortunate I am to live in a beautiful corner of Canada of which I'm proud and happy to be a citizen, just as much as I am proud and happy to have originated from Godiva's Historical Coventry.

The magic of sharing the celebration with pipers, Scottish dancers and Celtic band with so many wonderful people and to be surrounded and supported by my family produced a kaleidoscope of memories, which I will always treasure.

The crowning experience of the day came when I was watching a group of Union Jack-clad women dancing together while "Land of Hope and Glory" played in the background. They opened their circle to me and I joined them. When the glorious melody actually began, we all sang our hearts out.

That experience sent a visceral thrill coursing throughout my mind, body and soul. I can only give thanks for a day like no other.

Mavis J. Lloyd