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Remember those trustees that voted to close schools

Editor: With the election for Delta school trustees in a few days, parents should keep in mind all but one of the present trustees voted in favour of school closures.


With the election for Delta school trustees in a few days, parents should keep in mind all but one of the present trustees voted in favour of school closures.

Their votes in support of school closures resulted in two schools being closed in Delta. The ramifications of those closures are still being felt today.

Thus, please keep in mind that Dale Saip, Laura Dixon, Simon Truelove, Janet Shauntz and Brenda Bennett-Schneider voted in support of closing schools. The only trustee to vote against school closures was Fabian Milat.

If these trustees felt school closures was an option previously, there is no reason to think this course of action will not happen again.

Carol Mackenzie