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Same non-answers at women-only forum

Editor: Re: Premier gets an earful on traffic, Aug. 8 Premier Christy Clark appeared at a luncheon advertised as women's only and hosted by the Delta Chamber of Commerce on Aug. 3.


Re: Premier gets an earful on traffic, Aug. 8

Premier Christy Clark appeared at a luncheon advertised as women's only and hosted by the Delta Chamber of Commerce on Aug. 3.

She assured the attendees there were no men in the room because, "We kick all the men out. We have gotten rid of the male server and everything. There's a reason I do this. I notice that conversations happen differently when it's just women in the room."

This got me wondering just what these "different conversations" are about. And why the strong, selfconfident women in attendance would be reluctant to have them in the presence of a (shudder) male.

Hot flashes? Hair removal from troublesome areas? Sex tips?

No, it doesn't appear so from the reports given us by the female reporters allowed entry.

Historical concerns shared by male and female alike were expressed, and the same non-answers were obtained.

So why would the premier and the Delta Chamber of Commerce violate the B.C. Human Rights Code (sections 3(a) and 7) to set up this gabfest? I don't get it.

Lew Edwardson