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School board needs someone like Carroll Allan

Editor: I felt compelled to write to you about Carroll Allan's candidacy for Delta school board. I first met Allan when I was in the sixth grade and played the role of the Tin Man in Sidekick Players Club's Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz.


I felt compelled to write to you about Carroll Allan's candidacy for Delta school board.

I first met Allan when I was in the sixth grade and played the role of the Tin Man in Sidekick Players Club's Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz. She was my director and encouraged me early in my theatrical career. Now I am in the process of attaining a musical theatre diploma at Capilano University.

Recently, Allan and I have been in close communication and she has proven to be the same supportive woman she was seven years ago. I am directing Knockout Theatre's all-youth Romeo and Juliet this winter and Allan advocated for us to Sidekick Players and we are now partnered with the group. This has enabled our youth theatre group to save money and expand in our community.

Both of my pleasant experiences with Allan have shown me that she is one of the most suitable candidates for school trustee. She has youth's best interests in mind and is willing to go out of her way to create a better situation for Delta's youth.

Now that I have completed my time as an active student in the Delta school district, I have a solid understanding of what actually happens in schools and I know the school board needs someone who is dedicated, passionate, creative and experienced working with youth. The Delta school board needs someone like Allan.

I'm 18 years old. I'm a youth. I know how the Delta school district needs to evolve and I'm voting for Allan. Are you?

Jacob Wolstencroft