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Smell of political manure in the air

Editor: So many comments to respond little time! After reading several letters to the editor, I thought perhaps one response instead of a multitude of responses was more fitting, given the topic(s). Ah...


So many comments to respond little time! After reading several letters to the editor, I thought perhaps one response instead of a multitude of responses was more fitting, given the topic(s). Ah... spring is in the air and all I can smell is the odour of sour grapes and a lot of political manure!

In response to Mr. Morgan's letter regarding the "good road infrastructure" in B.C. under the leadership of the Liberals, I have a couple of things to say. The SFPR has been grid locking traffic since construction started and will continue to do so until this is completed (which I highly doubt will happen by the end of 2013). And yet, it has been stated several times, that this will not relieve the truck traffic on Hwy. 17 and 99 headed to the north side of the Fraser River or the traffic southbound on 99 heading to Deltaport. And it will do nothing to help those of us who sit and wait for up to 20 minutes to get out of Tsawwassen because of continued ferry traffic (which is a lot of trucks as we are the only ferry terminal that trucks now use). Not to mention the invasion on very good farmland that is now gone forever. The Port Mann Bridge was closed down within days of opening because of faulty construction as ice fell on cars traveling across it. And the signage at the west end of the bridge is ridiculous! I travel on the Golden Ears Bridge often and I'm about the only one with maybe five or six others. This is a major, very expensive, white elephant that we will be paying for decades! And, that bridge that cost millions of dollars, opened in 2009 is a mess! The pavement is all cracking and in need of repair already. Plus for a 1:30 minute ride each way... I pay over $8. These are all examples of rushing to get something done at the taxpayers' expense. Instead of quality work for the best product, we get shoddy construction at a ridiculous, over inflated cost just so that they (Liberals) can say "Look what we did!" Look at what they did indeed!!

Not to belabour a point, but how can we forget what they also did to South Delta? How can we possibly trust them to be honest with us yet again? They have lied to us repeatedly prior to every single election just to get our votes! And what did they do when we gave it to them... reneged on a signed document that said "it will never happen" to "hey guys... we changed our mind... you're getting those ugly hydro poles and dangerous power lines after all! Psyche!" And where is that Whitecaps training facility anyway? So now the carrot dangling in front of us is another crossing. With federal money also involved (both the provincial and federal governments "own" Hwy 99), it's almost a given that that will be dealt with in the future. But a priority for those of us in South Delta? I don't think so. It is, however, for every municipality in the Lower Mainland. I don't see "If you want another crossing vote for ..." on the Richmond side or in White Rock or in Surrey... and yet they are the source of the majority of the cars sitting in traffic waiting to get through the tunnel.

And, with all due respect, Mr. Appleby, your comment confuses me somewhat... "But things have changed. Have you noticed that in the past year South Delta has hosted the premier and numerous cabinet ministers? " That says to me, that in the last year South Delta has hosted the premier and numerous cabinet ministers without a Liberal candidate in Victoria.

Sounds pretty good to me, although I'm not quite sure what they accomplished here other than photo shoots.

And finally, I have nothing personal against Mr. McDonald, but if you want to represent us, the people of Delta South, then you should be immersed in this community. Being a councillor for copious terms does not make you a part of our community. You know the municipal problems, but how does that equip you to represent our community in the province. I don't think it does. You don't live here. You said you were moving here... looking for real estate, etc. But, so did another politician hand us that line when she ran for the feds and as far as I know, she still hasn't moved to our community. I think you both sit on the same side of the fence, and it's not ours.

I don't want my voice in the hands of someone who can only speak when told to and can only say what they are told to. I want someone who can be a thorn in everyone's side and get things happening. I don't want a puppet! Ms. Huntington only has to answer to us. Both Mr. McDonald and Mr. Slater will have to answer to a lot more people before it gets to us on the list. Don't believe all you hear about the lack of power an Independent has in government. It isn't true. If the polls are correct and everyone gets out the vote... the numbers could be very close between the Liberals and the NDP. Think of those Independents that are elected... they could very well be the swing votes! Now... who holds all the power in Victoria?

Carroll Lefebvre