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Southlands group should get facts straight

Editor: I am appalled at the flyer which was delivered today regarding the Southlands and the candidates the "Southlands the Facts" are endorsing.


I am appalled at the flyer which was delivered today regarding the Southlands and the candidates the "Southlands the Facts" are endorsing.

If the candidates, namely Krista Engelland, Sylvia Bishop, Scott Broderick and Andrew Conley are accepting this information as fact they can easily be duped and I don't want them acting on my behalf or any other Deltans who care sincerely about their community.

Statements made are falsified. What gives this group of misinformed persons the right to state things like the first on their list about mayor and council wanting to rezone Southlands. Have you been listening to what has taken place for the last few years? They have been anything but open to the idea to have the developer's plans even submitted for consideration. They have stonewalled Century Holdings at every opportunity.

How can they possible claim the Southlands residences can increase the population by 70 per cent? For heaven sakes, do your math. It's impossible.

A development plan has not reached the stage of details yet because of all the delays created by a bunch of nay-sayers who do not wish their view changed. They don't give a damn about farming unless industrialised farming does occur on the Southlands. Then we would never hear the end of it because they would be complaining about the smells, noise, machinery, fertilizers, etc.

Century is not making huge profits from their housing plans and you won't let the full plan be implemented where the soil was to undergo three years of improvement in order to make it ready for farmers wishing to organically produce superior products which you could buy right from the farm.

How can you possible say there is no plan for seniors and young families? That was the focus of the original plan which you rejected because you don't want to spoil your view.

What gives you the right to lie about the "tens - of - thousands" of huge dump trucks. You don't know what you're talking about and you refuse to learn. A plan

was devised in order to use soil from the site itself when digging the holding pond for upper level Tsawwassen run off while settling before circulating through the enlarged ditches (more soil) to waterways for pleasant walking trails. There is no need for dump trucks to visit the site at all. Even with other smaller projects being developed in Tsawwassen, how many trucks did you see "roaring up and down 56th St."?

If you are pretending to represent facts on the Southlands for heaven sakes get your facts straight instead of bombarding Delta residents with falsehoods (another word for lies).

I am disgusted with the continual circulation of misinformation when real facts are so easily accessed.

I urge you to ignore this piece of trash and the candidates the writers support.

Who are they anyway? They never identify themselves. Cowards usually write anonymously because they are afraid of being confronted by truths.

From an outraged and very annoyed Delta citizen who has educated herself instead of spreading falsehoods to those stupid enough to believe them.

Karel Ley