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Survey already showed community's wishes

Editor: Re: Numbers don't quite add up, Murphy's Law, Jan. 11 The manner in which our municipality collects data when it comes to proposed housing on the Southlands leaves a lot to be desired.

Editor: Re: Numbers don't quite add up, Murphy's Law, Jan. 11

The manner in which our municipality collects data when it comes to proposed housing on the Southlands leaves a lot to be desired.

As you so rightly say, an indicator of how the public feels is the Ipsos Reid survey that revealed a 62-38 split against Southlands development. The last I knew 62 out of 100 is a majority. Why then were the results of this survey ignored?

You claim a larger housing proposal was before the public when this survey was done. This is irrelevant, in my view, given the questions on the Ipsos Reid survey allowed folks to respond saying, yes, they would accept some development on the land, or no, they would accept no development on the land. The questions were clear and everyone in Tsawwassen was given an opportunity to respond.

It beats me why this matter keeps going on and on and why so many taxpayer dollars for staff time, especially, are being allocated to it.

Has Delta made up its mind already? It appears so, given the number of letters and petitions opposing the proposal are being ignored.

Jean Wightman