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Tougher sentence is required to stop those bully parents

Editor: Re: Sentence fit crime, court rules in DSS assault appeal, Feb. 27 I reside in Ladner and have come to realize that Ladner is becoming an unsafe community. This man should have been further disgraced and his name released.


Re: Sentence fit crime, court rules in DSS assault appeal, Feb. 27

I reside in Ladner and have come to realize that Ladner is becoming an unsafe community.

This man should have been further disgraced and his name released.

Everybody blames TV or violent video games for the increase in violence, but I say baloney. A child will do ultimately what he sees and has seen his parents do.

A violent parent breeds violent offspring. A violent, angry grown man showing his children how to deal with problems with weapons of batons and fists is completely over the top.

I think he needs to have a much tougher sentence in order to set an example to all the bully parents out there.

Patricia McKenna