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Tunnel consultation not an exclusive venture

Re: Back off tunnel replacement rhetoric, March 15, letter to the editor What on Earth does a letter like that you printed in your Friday, March 15 newspaper from Peter Duffey, contribute to any discussion about "tunnel replacement" or repair? The le

Re: Back off tunnel replacement rhetoric, March 15, letter to the editor

What on Earth does a letter like that you printed in your Friday, March 15 newspaper from Peter Duffey, contribute to any discussion about "tunnel replacement" or repair?

The letter was nothing but an unveiled opportunity to take a person-al shot at provincial Liberal candidate and current Delta councillor, Bruce McDonald. It was completely inappropriate - and to echo Duffey's style of writing, much like Duffey much of the time - and should never have been printed.

For that matter, in the great debate that Duffey pretends to comment on, what on Earth (again) does he have to offer to a tunnel "consultation process," that he purports to be "involved in," except for a well practiced ability to scream, "No! Not ever!" at the top of his lungs?

For Mr. Duffey's information, we are all "involved in the consultation process." It's not an exclusive venture. Tit for tat, I hope.

Firth Bateman