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Vandalism both aggravating & saddening

I will admit when I saw the graffiti on my mom and dad's fence I felt angry, by the time I parked on their driveway I felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness.

I will admit when I saw the graffiti on my mom and dad's fence I felt angry, by the time I parked on their driveway I felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness.

Sadness that someone would target a 75-year-old's home because I can only assume they were bored, had a can of pink spray paint and maybe were trying to impress someone.

I don't believe the culprits will read this perhaps their parents/guardians will. My dad has health issues, as well as helping my mom while she battles cancer.

The thing is, these socalled young adults don't care what extra stress home owners have going on while adding more onto their plates.

Well it seems like Ladner has a few bad apples, who feel it is OK to spray paint a fence or two, throw rocks at the Baptist Church marquee, or smash glass beer bottles at parks where young kids play.

My parents did not deserve for this to be done to their property.

No one deserves/needs the added stress and cost to clean up someone else's bad choices.

Do you know where the young adults who live with you are, who their friends are and what they are doing all hours of the night? Are your kids sleeping all day, do you bother to ask where they have been and with whom?

If they are not paying you rent, you have every right to ask these questions and get answers for them.

This is the second time I had a lack of explanation for my two young sons as to why kids who are older than they are, feel they can do this, and yes, even get away with it.