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Delta's new OCP moves closer to reality following Metro meeting

Delta’s Regional Context Statement was found to be generally consistent with the regional district’s growth strategy
In February 2023, the Metro board adopted Metro 2050 and, according to the Local Government Act, each local government must submit a Regional Context Statement within two years of the adoption of that new regional growth strategy. Delta Optimist file

The Metro Vancouver Board on Friday (June 28) unanimously approved the City of Delta’s proposed new Regional Context Statement.

The approval moves the city one step closer council being able to grant final approval for the new Official Community Plan (OCP).

Approval is still required, however, from the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC).

A regional district staff report recommended that the board accept the Regional Context Statement.

The submission and review of a Metro member jurisdiction’s Regional Context Statement is a legislated process used to determine consistency with the regional growth strategy. It is not a process that allows for reconsideration by the board of a local OCP.

In April, Delta council gave preliminary approval to the new OCP following a public hearing, but other approvals were needed including from the ALC to confirm compliance with the Agricultural Land Commission Act and Metro to approve the city’s new Regional Context Statement.

The Metro report states that the Delta submission is generally consistent with the goals, strategies and maps in Metro 2050, the region’s long-term growth strategy.

The Metro 2050 policy provides regional growth targets by location.

Through the Metro evaluation of the Delta submission, Metro staff identified a few areas where additional information is required.

However, those areas are technical in nature, and staff at the City of Delta have confirmed that they will update the information.

Delta staff have confirmed they will then provide the additional information for the city’s new Regional Context Statement and submit the update for the board’s consideration by late 2024 or early 2025, according to the report.