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Delta making quick work getting rid of potholes

All three communities in Delta had the problem but the highest concentration was on Annacis Island
The City of Delta on social media recently showed this photo of ‘Hotbox’, a machine which can transport four tonnes of hot asphalt. Unlike temporary patches, the permanent fixes are a game-changer in maintaining city roads, according to the city. City of Delta image

Delta crews made good progress during the last week repairing potholes all over the city.

While snow is gone as temperatures rose with plenty of rain falling, Delta had to deal with the aftermath of potholes nobody enjoys driving over.

Caused by freezing and thawing, heading into last weekend crews repaired close to 200 potholes scattered around all three communities.

Engineering Director Steven Lan told the Optimist that the highest concentration was on Annacis Island and likely related to the heavy truck traffic combined with recent winter weather conditions.

Potholes are reported on a complaint basis and also by staff as they see them.

He noted the city had a dedicated paving crew on a day shift that was solely focused on potholes, supplemented by an overnight driver when they were not dealing with snow and ice issues.

Mainroad Group is responsible for filling in potholes on provincial highways.