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Work needed to protect homes above section of Delta's Cougar Creek

The stream has experienced an increase in peak discharge due to urbanization of the watershed and that increase has resulted in higher rates of erosion
Based on field reports last year, ongoing migration of the banks could threaten the residential properties located along the top of the steep slope at the site.

The City of Delta has issued a request for proposal for the construction of erosion protection works for a section on the west bank of Cougar Creek in North Delta.

A section of Cougar Creek was found eroded along the west bank in early 2022 as a log jam near Cory Drive Park redirected the creek to the left bank.

As a result, an erosion scarp formed below 7030 and 7040 Woodcrest Place.

The site is located at the base of the Cougar Creek canyon, 1.5 km upstream of the Westview Drive crossing over the creek.

Although the debris had been cleared and the creek diverted back to the centre of the channel, the slope remains susceptible to erosion during high precipitation.

The city notes additional erosion protection is necessary to recover the slope.

The work is to include fill along the toe of slope and creek bed and bank-armouring to address the erosion. The armouring of the bank is to be accomplished utilizing geotextile bags.