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Delta throwback: Before he was a soldier

Let's go back to 1894 to see a portrait of Harry Nelson and Lydia Mary Rich (nee Green) and their children Sidney Norris and Edith Emily. Sidney was born in 1893.
delta optimist throwback
An 1894 family portrait of the Rich family.

Let's go back to 1894 to see a portrait of Harry Nelson and Lydia Mary Rich (nee Green) and their children Sidney Norris and Edith Emily.

Sidney was born in 1893.

Cliff Caprani and fellow Delta resident Kathy Cuthbert made a documentary film about Sidney Rich, who was killed in the second battle of Ypres on June 3, 1916. They travelled to Europe to film some insightful and fascinating scenes.

The film is titled Countdown to Sanctuary Wood.

Caprini first got interested in Rich's story when he saw a plaque dedicated to the fallen soldier on the chapel wall at All Saints Anglican Church in Ladner.

Rich was an early volunteer for the war effort and enlisted in the Motorcycle Scouts. 

His role allowed him to qualify for the position of range finder, considered a dangerous one in the army.

His body was never recovered.

When his death was announced in the local paper, he was remembered for his kind and genial manners and as a friend of many. His father Harry was instrumental in the building of the Ladner cenotaph at Memorial Park. 

delta throwback

Sidney Rich was killed near the Belgian town of Ypres in 1916, less than a year after he enlisted