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Get a charge out of earthing

Throughout history, humans have lived in direct physical contact with the earth. However, our modern lifestyle and the mass adoption of synthetic plastic-and rubber-soled shoes have changed this relationship dramatically.

Throughout history, humans have lived in direct physical contact with the earth.

However, our modern lifestyle and the mass adoption of synthetic plastic-and rubber-soled shoes have changed this relationship dramatically.

In 1998, a retired cable TV executive named Clint Ober sat on a park bench in Arizona, watching tourists pass by. He noticed that almost everyone was wearing plastic-or rubber-soled shoes.

Having worked with electronic equipment throughout his career, he understood the electrical significance of insulating materials such as plastic and rubber - and that such shoes would insulate us from naturally occurring electrical energies found on the earth's surface.

Ober set out to answer the question, "Does being disconnected from the electrical energies found on the earth's surface impact human health and, if so, how?"

The book Earthing is the result of more than 10 years of research.

It highlights studies that show a direct connection to the earth's ground energy does, in fact, have a powerful and positive influence on the body, including reduced inflammation and improved circulation.

Reduced inflammation

Medical science continues to show how chronic inflammation can lead to chronic pain and can be a contributing factor in conditions such as asthma, autism, cancer, cardiovascular disease, fibromyalgia, lupus and multiple sclerosis.

In February 2004, the cover article of Time magazine, titled The Fires Within, talked about the many effects of chronic inflammation. When we are in direct contact with the earth, an electrical transfer occurs.

Our bodies absorb sub-atomic particles called electrons.

These negatively charged electrons appear to absorb the positively charged free radicals that cause chronic inflammation.

Improved circulation

Studies also indicate that direct contact with the earth results in improved blood circulation.

This is the apparent result of the red blood cells acquiring a greater negative charge through earthing and thus being able to better repel other red blood cells.

Does earthing work?

To experience earthing for yourself, simply go barefoot outside for 30 to 60 minutes and see what a difference it makes on your pain or stress level.

Sit, stand or walk on grass, sand, dirt or concrete. These are all conductive surfaces from which your body can draw the earth's energy.

Wood, asphalt and vinyl are not conductive surfaces, and as such will not work.

Spending a lot of time barefoot outdoors is not always practical or even possible for many people, especially in colder climates.

Earthing products such as conductive sheets and mats allow us the convenience of connecting to the earth while we work, relax or sleep indoors.

Earthing is safe and natural for people of all ages, but it is not medicine or a substitute for medical treatment.

If you have a medical condition, see your physician or health care provider.

John Harbarenko has a passion for creating healthier environments. He is a certified building biologist living near London, Ontario. [email protected]