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KinVillage hosting pre-Canada Day celebration and drum circle

Event is Thursday afternoon, June 27
KinVillage in Tsawwassen is host a free, family pre-Canada Day celebration and drum circle on June 27. Photo courtesy KinVillage

Come join in this free community celebration of Canada.

Sing Oh Canada, test your knowledge of Canadian trivia, and join in the energetic drumming circle led by facilitator Lyle Povah.

Povah is an international musician, researcher, workshop leader, keynote speaker, and drum circle facilitator, who will lead participants in this health inducing, smile producing event. No experience necessary. Refreshments will be served following the drumming. Carpool, walk, take the bus, or get dropped off, as parking is limited.

The pre-Canada Day event takes place from 1:45 to 3:45 p.m. on Thursday, June 27 from 1:45 to 3:45 p.m. at KinVillage Community Centre, 5430 10th Ave. Tsawwassen.