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Minister's Minute: He will build his church

From our little church in Ladner God has touched countless lives with the good news of Jesus
Hands on bible
A man reading the Holy Bible.

‘“…what about you?” he

asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”’

Matthew 16:15–16

We celebrated our 125th anniversary at Ladner Baptist Church on Sept. 8.

We had former pastors speak about their time at the church, and current members share their experience of God’s faithfulness through their years at Ladner Baptist Church.

We sang songs from the past and songs from the present, all centred around the faithfulness of God through the ages.

After that we had a hot dog and corn roast with lots of chatter and reminiscing. There were displays set up in our fireside room with photos and memories from the archives.

I was in awe the entire day at how amazingly faithful God has been over the years.

There have been 33 pastors before me. In 1959 Ladner Baptist Church started a new church in Tsawwassen called South Delta Baptist. About 15 years ago South Delta Baptist Church started Village Church, which is one of the fastest growing churches in North America.

We also planted a church in North Delta and in Cloverdale. From our little church in Ladner God has touched countless lives with the good news of Jesus. It’s mind boggling.

Just after Peter rightly proclaimed that Jesus is the Messiah, Jesus responded by affirming that declaration and then said that it would be upon that truth, “I will build My Church.”

When I look back at what God has done over the years through Ladner Baptist Church, I can tend to feel very insignificant. And then I remind myself, it’s His Church. He will build it, and He empowers weak, broken people to do it, all for His glory. Who do you say Jesus is?