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Minister's Minute: Planning to rest

Resting takes intentional planning
Resting takes intentional planning. We don’t just stumble upon rest. We need to protect our schedules so that we can enjoy God and his creation.

My family is getting ready for family camp, and as much as we’re excited, we’re also exhausted from all the planning that is required for us to go away for a week.

It is a lot of work to pack for a toddler. Strategizing to entertain a seven-year-old on a road trip is as ambitious as Ocean’s 11 strategizing to rob the Bellagio. In addition to the tall order of packing up the fam, we also need to find friends who can water the plants and take out the garbage while we’re away. At work, I need to delegate properly and communicate details so that the team can operate smoothly in my absence.

Taking a break can be hard work!

Despite the challenges, resting is essential. In fact, the bible says that we were created to enjoy the rest God gives us. The Ten Commandments demands that we take the Sabbath seriously. God says that it is sinful to disobey the command to rest from our work. Why is that? Because God created us to be in a beautiful relationship with him and with others. When we enslave ourselves to our work — no matter how good or important our work is — we are going against God’s will. Rather than living as God’s creation made to enjoy him and others, we are living as slaves when we don’t rest.

We are healthier when we are well rested, and it is in the best interest of our family, friends, and colleagues that we are rested and refreshed. A well-rested version of ourselves is much better than the burnt-out version of ourselves.

Resting takes intentional planning. We don’t just stumble upon rest. We need to protect our schedules so that we can enjoy God and his creation.