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Altered licence plates found by Delta Police

One instance blamed on 'friend probably playing a joke'

Delta Police found, and seized, not one but two altered licence plates last week.

In one case, a 38-yearold man was pulled over after officers noticed his insurance sticker had been altered in an attempt to change the date. JUL 8 had been written over with black marker to make it look like DEC 18.

Police say the man blamed the alteration on a "friend probably playing a joke."

The driver was issued a $598 ticket for not having insurance and having an altered/fictitious licence plate. The plates were seized and the vehicle was towed at the man's expense.

The second licence plate alteration was not quite as obvious.

It was spotted last week by Chief Neil Dubord and a patrol officer. The plates, which had been altered to make two Rs look like Ps, were spotted on a car dumped in the Nicholson

Road area in North Delta.

The vehicle had been reported stolen in Surrey on Aug. 6. The vehicle was towed for a forensic exam and then returned to its rightful owner, minus the licence plates.