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City to address sign location at SD Rec Centre

Delta staff note that adopting a consistent and accessible signage standard will improve the effectiveness and accessibility of wayfinding in city parks and civic facilities
The placement of this accessible parking sign at the South Delta Recreation Centre was listed as one example where improvements are needed. Sandor Gyarmati photo

The sign is important, but clearly in the wrong spot.

That problem was highlighted regarding a disabled parking spot sign in front of the South Delta Recreation Centre, which is installed on the fronting walkway in such a way that it blocks access.

It was one of several examples of how the City of Delta can improve its municipal signage/wayfinding for better accessibility during a presentation to council.

A representative with the Cygnus Design Group listed other examples of the city’s current sign messaging along with recommendations to improve the effectiveness and accessibility of wayfinding in city parks and exterior areas of civic facilities.

The need for improvements was brought to the city’s attention through feedback from the Mobility and Accessibility Committee, prompting the Accessible Exterior Signage Project.

A new design signage standard package is to focus on accessibility.

The wayfinding signage design for parks is to be consistent in design standards with the exterior civic facility wayfinding that directs visitors to park amenities via identifiable and accessible routes.

The proposed package features, among other things, high contrasting colours to assist those with visual impairments, universal pictograms and an updated hierarchy of information as the main improvements for accessibility, a report to council notes.

The package also includes simplified naming and non-gendered pictograms for all-gender washrooms and change rooms.

The report notes that the plan for this year is to focus on priority areas in Watershed Park and at North Delta Recreation Centre as part of an initial installation program related to mobility and accessibility, with an expanded overall program in future years.

“Following adoption of these standards, staff will proceed with an informational campaign to create public awareness of the primary features of the new signage before proceeding with implementation,” the report adds.