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Delta looking at infrastructure needs for upcoming developments

Once a developer signs off on a proposed development’s characteristics, the consultant is to submit a draft of the site servicing report to the city within three weeks
An objective of each site servicing report will be to assess whether there is adequate water and sanitary capacity within the existing municipal system to accommodate proposed developments. Sandor Gyarmati photo

The City of Delta has issued a request for proposals from engineering consulting firms with experience in water and sanitary modelling to prepare servicing strategies to accommodate upcoming development projects.

For each development project, the successful consultant will produce a site servicing report that reviews water and sanitary system requirements and provides recommendations for utility upgrades where required, according to the city, noting the developers will pre-pay the city for the consultant’s services.

The city, in its request for proposals, states that each year, the engineering department reviews new development applications to confirm the capacity of existing water and sanitary sewers and determines necessary upgrades, where required, typically receiving between 50 and 100 development applications per year. Each development typically ranges from 10 to 500 units.

The scope of services includes utility modelling analysis for development projects to accommodate current and projected population scenarios, and the study areas will involve various parcels of land within Delta.

Meanwhile, the City of Delta this year is replacing the sanitary main along 16 Avenue from 56 Street to Gillespie Road. The new sewer main has been designed for a 75-year service life and is sized to accommodate future growth in Tsawwassen.

The city is also planning to have a new sewer project along 56 Street from 16 to 12 avenues in Tsawwassen, followed by a second phase along 56 Street from 12 to 8A avenues.

Among the other planned projects is a new sanitary sewer forcemain for Ladner, along Ladner Trunk Road from Elliott to 55B streets. Construction is slated to start in the spring of 2025.

The city this year also issued a request for proposals for an engineering consultant to come up with the pre-design, detailed design, tender and construction administration and inspection for upgrading a stretch of sanitary sewer main that will serve new developments in Ladner.

The approximately 400 metres of that new sanitary sewer main will be along 53 Street, from 48A Avenue to Linden Drive.

According to the city, the existing asbestos cement sanitary main along the street was built in 1969 and will be upgraded to accommodate planned high-density in the area.

Crews in another recent project were recently installing the final section of a new sanitary forcemain at the Ladner Trunk Road and Elliott Street intersection.

The upsizing of the aging sanitary main was described as required to support planned future densification in Ladner Village.