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Harnessing the power of protein

Protein powder is the easiest way to introduce 20 to 30 grams (heck, even 60 grams if you are a real hard-gainer) of pure protein into your system. A quality protein powder will have all the essential and nonessential amino acids your body needs.

Protein powder is the easiest way to introduce 20 to 30 grams (heck, even 60 grams if you are a real hard-gainer) of pure protein into your system.

A quality protein powder will have all the essential and nonessential amino acids your body needs.

Wondering why we would need those nonessential amino acids when our bodies are already capable of making them on its own?

Well, let me remind you that when we exercise, we place a great deal of stress on the body and need to supplement to offset this stress. The body can't do it all on its own when outside its normal parameters - you need to give it some help.

This is also true if you lead a high stress lifestyle, or are ill, or do not practice proper nutrition. In fact, the unhealthier you are, the more you need protein.

Protein powder is also convenient and has a very high bioavailability (BV). Foods, especially protein sources, are rated by their "bioavailability" - how useful that food is to the body.

The theoretical highest BV of any food source is 100 per cent, an egg being the standard measurement all protein sources are held to.

BV refers to how well and how quickly your body can actually use the protein you just consumed.

Whey Protein

. Whey protein is a dairy derived product. It is the "leftovers" after milk coagulates and is the byproduct of the process of cheese making. It is, by far, the most popular of all of the protein powders.


. It has the highest BV rating of any of the other powders.

. Easiest powder to find at the grocery store and health food store.

. Mixes well with water, juice, milk and milk substitutes.

. Is fat-free.

There are three types of whey powders on the market: concentrate, isolate and hydrolyzed


. High amounts of protein should not be taken by people with pre-existing kidney problems.

. If you have an allergy to dairy, consult with a dietician, or your doctor, before taking whey protein.

. If you are increasing the amount of protein in your diet, be sure to drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day as protein uses a lot of water within the body to metabolize.

Casein Protein Powder

Milk consists of three main components - water, fats and proteins. The proteins are whey and casein. Casein, however, is structurally different than the whey protein and is responsible for the white, opaque appearance of milk.


. Casein is extremely slow at digesting.

. This makes it the best protein powder for right before bed, or anytime when you are not going to be eating for seven or more hours. A drink with 20 to 30 grams of casein powder will help prevent muscle catabolism and keep you satisfied.


. Same as the pro - it is slow-acting, so not the best choice for right after a workout, or as a morning meal.

Soy Protein Powder

Soy protein comes from, surprise, soybeans.


. Great alternative for people who cannot, or will not, eat whey protein.

. The vegan choice for powders.


. If you can, I would recommend staying away from soy protein powder. It has a low BV rating and is high in allergens.

. It has also been researched that the more soy we eat, the more likely we can develop allergies to it.

. If you need to, or want to, eat a vegetarian-based protein supplement, then I recommend chlorella, hemp seed or spirulina.

These three are considered "super foods" and I take three grams of spirulina a day and six grams of chlorella (more during the flu season to up my immunity), in addition to an insolated whey protein shake a day.

Rice Protein Powder

Standard cooked rice has a protein content of only five to seven per cent. To make concentrated rice protein, whole brown rice is ground into flour and then mixed with water. Natural enzymes are then added to break down and separate the carbohydrates and fibers from the protein portion of the slurry.


. Rice protein is high in the amino acids cysteine and methionine.

. Great for vegans. Cons

. Other than cysteine and methionine, rice protein is low in the other six essential amino acids.

When is the best time for a protein shake, you wonder?

I prefer mine right after my workouts. When you workout, you are actually creating tiny microscopic tears to the muscle tissue.

Because solid food takes time to digest, and I want those amino acids ASAP to build the muscle tissue that I just broke down, a protein shake is my answer.

Recent research also suggests there is a 30-minute window of opportunity to get the greatest benefit, and since it only takes about 30 minutes for my body to break down the protein chains in a powdered form, this leaves me assured my shake is delivering the nutrients I need at a time that my body needs them most (www.sportsmedicine.

The other preferred option is first thing in the morning. Because you have been sleeping the night away, and not eating, your body is in a catabolic state when you wake up.

This catabolic state puts you at risk of breaking down your muscle tissue for energy.

A quick protein drink will help to change your metabolism to burn fat instead.

P.J. Wren is a local personal trainer and writer in the Delta area who can be reached at