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Hell Night a non-event say Delta police

Containing chaos: How police managed a quiet Hell Night
Delta Police nightime press release
The annual return to school Hell Night in Delta was a non event according to Delta police.

The annual return to school Hell Night in Delta was a non event according to Delta police.

Hell Night has been an annual right of passage for high school students entering their Grade 12 year in Ladner, Tsawwassen and North Delta to gather and hang out late at night after the first day of school, with many drinking and some resorting to vandalism.

In recent years, the property damage to homes, businesses and some City of Delta facilities have been extensive, which has prompted police to send out warnings to parents and students in advance.

In a Facebook post last Friday, police said that while young people reconnecting with their peers can be a time of fun and camaraderie, it is crucial to approach the return to class with respect and consideration for the community.

On Wednesday morning, Delta police public affairs manager Acting Insp. James Sandberg told the Optimist that all in all, it was relatively uneventful.

“While we did encounter large groups of youth out and about throughout the night, we had relatively few problems,” said Sandberg. “Zero reports of property damage thus far, some noise complaints including fireworks. One arrest for drunk in public. 

Most youth were aware the DPD were going to be out in greater numbers for the night and were respectful.”