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Labour Day: Making public health care stronger

Let’s keep moving public health care forward!
Lynn Bueckert is the Secretary-Business Manager for the Hospital Employees’ Union. Photo courtesy HEU

Over the decades, Hospital Employees’ Union (HEU) and public health care have weathered many storms and emerged stronger each time.

In the 80 years our union has existed, we have seen federal and provincial governments come and go. Some cutting health spending and privatizing care, while others sustaining and expanding Medicare.

Now, population growth and an aging society are putting an ever-greater demand on workers and public care resources. And the aftershocks of a global pandemic continue to impact our hospitals, long-term care homes and other health services.

But as we mark this Labour Day, as B.C’s largest and oldest health care union, we also want to acknowledge the many gains made in the past decade for public health care.

The repealing of anti-labour legislation that took away key provisions of health care workers' common collective agreement.

The return of more than 5,000 contracted-out hospital housekeepers, dietary workers and security officers into public health care. 

The end to the practice by some long-term care home operators of firing their entire staff team, then asking them to reapply for their jobs without being able to keep their union, or any of the gains they had made in their last collective agreement.

The hundreds of millions of dollars invested in seniors’ care to enhance the continuity of care for B.C.’s frail seniors, by making worker compensation higher and more equal across the sector.

The six new hospitals underway in B.C., and 17 others being expanded to meet the needs of their communities. 

And the more than 38,000 new health care workers hired since 2017. Seven thousand of those through the Health Career Access Program, which has eased the way for the training of desperately needed care aides and community health care workers. 

Let’s keep moving public health care forward!