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North Delta Crime Beat: A stranger in the dining room

The purpose of the Crime Beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in North Delta and other files of interest
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Files of interest for this week from Delta police.

The purpose of the Crime Beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in South Delta and other files of interest. If you see anything occurring that you believe to be suspicious, call 911 for in-progress crimes and emergencies or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.


July 15, 8900 Block of 113A Street: Complainant received an email and photograph of a parcel being delivered to their home while they were away and when they returned home the parcel was gone and is believed to be stolen. The package contained a $200 computer microphone. No witnesses or suspects. 

July 15, 11600 Block of 95th Avenue: Complainant reported their vehicle parked on the street had been rummaged through and several items including documents were stolen. There was no damage to the vehicle and the complainant believes the vehicle may have been left unlocked. As the complainant is concerned re identity theft police advised them to contact their bank, Equifax, and Transunion for credit monitoring.

July 16, 11500 Block of 80th Avenue: Complainant reported a break and entry to their home which is under construction.  Items stolen valued at $10,000 include two fridges, cook top stove, hood fan, and a generator. The entry to the house was likely through the front door as it was found unlocked. Canvass of the neighbourhood by police for surveillance video or witnesses proved negative.

July 17, 11300 Block of 89A Avenue: Complainant reported the passenger side window of their vehicle had been damaged and the door scratched causing $500 in damage. No suspect information. Police provided the complainant with a file number for insurance purposes.

July 17, 11700 Block of 73A Avenue: Report received from complainant that the catalytic converter was stolen from their vehicle parked in the driveway.  Approximate value of the converter and damage is $2,200. No witnesses or surveillance video available.

July 17, 11700 Block of 92nd Avenue: Complainant left their vehicle parked on the street in front of their residence and when they returned to the vehicle they found the passenger side view mirror knocked off the door of their vehicle and left hanging by the interior wire. Surveillance video available from neighbouring home. 

July 18, 10500 Block of River Road: Complainant arrived home to find a grey Honda Pilot parked in their driveway with a male in the passenger seat. The complainant found the front door of the residence was pried open and a male in the dining room. On observing the complainant the suspect fled the residence.  The house was rummaged through with belongings scattered about the home. Identification services attended and processed the residence for possible evidence and fingerprints.

July 19, 11600 Block of 75A Avenue: Complainant reported a package delivered by Amazon had been stolen from the porch of their residence. Video surveillance showed a Caucasian male wearing a yellow t-shirt and pink sandals stealing the package. Both arms of the suspect covered with tattoos. Amazon notified of the theft and surveillance video uploaded to police. 

July 21, PSB 11375 84th Avenue: Complainant reported they had recovered their stolen wallet only to discover their credit card had been used at three different locations.  The credit card has been cancelled and the bank informed of the fraudulent activity.  Police advised complainant to contact Equifax to prevent further loss in the future. Fraudulent activity still under investigation with surveillance video from locations where credit card used.