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North Delta Crime Beat: Gift card scam strikes again

Husky toolbox stolen from chained elementary school fence
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Files of interest for this week from Delta Police.

The purpose of the Crime Beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in North Delta and other files of interest. If you see anything occurring that you believe to be suspicious, call 911 for in-progress crimes and emergencies or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.

*June 13, 117 Street & 92nd Avenue: A report was received from the elementary school of the theft of a Husky toolbox, which had been chained to the school fence. The chain was cut off with nothing left at the scene. The box contained reflective vests and a stop sign valued at approximately $500. No suspects or witnesses.

*June 14, 8800 Block of Mitchell Way: Complainant reported suspicious circumstances where multiple individuals had shown up to their residence in attempts to purchase a patio furniture set, which they had not offered for sale. The complainant was shown a Facebook Marketplace post with the items being sold from the complainant’s address. Prior to reporting to the police, the ad had been removed. A police investigation was negative for the location of the person who placed the ad. No funds were lost, but the complainant was annoyed at the constant knocking at their door.

*June 14, 9000 Block of 117th Street: Complainant reported the theft of their daughter’s vehicle from the street in front of their home. The vehicle was later recovered. Forensic Identification Services scheduled to examine the vehicle for fingerprints. No surveillance video or witnesses. Investigation is ongoing.

*June 17, 11700 Block of 91st Avenue: Complainant reported the theft from their work vehicle at 11 p.m. Items stolen include work boots, screwdriver, work papers, and a hand grip exercise item. The complainant believes the vehicle was locked. Police were provided with the surveillance video to identify a suspect.

*June 17, Public Safety Building 11375 84th Avenue: Complainant reported they transferred $4,000 worth of Apple gift cards to an email address they believed to belong to their boss before they were informed the address was fraudulent. The fraudulent email address originated from a Russian-based company.