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You're not alone

Recently my wife and I got away for a couple of days to a lakeside hotel. The whole time we were there, we noticed a solitary swan floating on the lake.

Recently my wife and I got away for a couple of days to a lakeside hotel. The whole time we were there, we noticed a solitary swan floating on the lake. The bright white of the swan was a sharp contrast to the dark water and gray, misty scenery, so it kept catching our eye. There was something a little sad about seeing that small bit of white all by itself on a huge lake.

Many people today feel like that - all alone, like a solitary swan on a big lake. And as much as we may try to convince ourselves that it is by choice and not too bad, the loneliness hurts. From the very beginning of creation when God said that it wasn't good for Adam to be alone (Genesis 2), to just before Jesus ascended to heaven with the promise that he would always be with us (Matthew 28), to the very end when the faithful enter the heavenly city (Revelation 22),we are reminded that humanity was hardwired for community.

God designed us as social creatures - for mutual safety, comfort, support and companionship.

That's one reason why God ordained the church, so that we wouldn't be alone. The church is embarrassingly far from perfect (primarily because churches are filled with and led by imperfect people). But it is a place to connect with others as we seek to connect with God. If you are feeling like that solitary swan, it doesn't have to be that way. There's a family waiting for you.